Thank you for your interest in RMA.
Open enrollment for 2025 is now open!
Questions? Email us at rmachildrensfoundation@gmail.com
Membership Details
Is RMA Right For You?
Are you a woman between the ages of 20-39 looking to engage philanthropically in the Denver area?
Are you looking for an opportunity to leverage your professional skills & network to raise money & awareness for at-risk & disadvantaged youth in the Denver community?
Are you willing to commit your time, energy, & enthusiasm to a volunteer-only organization?
What does it mean to be a member of RMA?
RMA Members are expected to further the mission of RMA Children’s Foundation to raise awareness & money for at-risk & disadvantaged youth in the Denver community through fundraising, participating in social events, attending fundraising events, selling tickets and volunteering at RMA events throughout the year.
First Year RMA Members are required to raise $1,000 annually through: corporate sponsors/donors, individual donors, in-kind donations, or silent auction donations. Fundraising minimums are subject to change based on annual fundraising goals.
RMA Members are expected to represent RMA in a professional manner in order to promote the organization’s brand & mission.
RMA Members pay $250 in annual dues which go towards administrative costs (including but not limited to: t-shirts, nametags, food for monthly meetings). Payment for the 2025 annual dues are required no later than Feb 28, 2025. If dues are not received by this date, then you will be considered “dropped.”
RMA Members are expected to drive attendance to all fundraising events and in-turn will receive credit towards your individual fundraising goal. 5 tickets sold ($50), 6-10 sold ($150), and over 15 tickets sold ($300). Your individual ticket purchases will be counted as part of this credit.
RMA Members are expected to promote, attend and purchase tickets to all fundraising events, whether able attend events or not. Members can expect to pay $200 towards fundraising event ticket purchases.
RMA Members are expected to attend as many monthly member meetings which take place on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, committee meetings, & fundraising events as they can; a minimum of 60% attendance is required.
RMA Members serve on a committee for the organization. Each committee typically meets once a month & is responsible for specific duties/functions of the organization. Members are assigned a committee based on need the first year & then the member will be able to choose each year thereafter. Committees include: PR/Marketing, Fundraising, Silent Auction & Gala, Social, & Grants.
The average time commitment of our members is 5 - 8 hours/month.