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Meet the new ladies of RMA!

Each year RMA opens up our enrollment in January, and by February there are a number of new personalities, faces, and talents eager to join us. This year we really saw what all of our hard work for the past 10 years has meant – a HUGE group of educated and generous women joined the mission to help Denver’s underprivileged youth. A total of 38 new young professional women have joined Rocky Mountain Alliance for Children and we couldn’t be more excited for what this means… more voices.

We asked a few of our new ladies what it meant to them to be joining Rocky Mountain Alliance for Children, here is what they had to say:

“I joined RMA to help make children's lives better. One day they will grow up, and hopefully, make the world a better place too.” -Lauren Marroquin, a Denver Native who works as an Event Specialist at Inspirato.

“I have a passion for our community and want to help improve it in my work, volunteering, and make awesome friends who have similar goals.” – Deanna Locke, a Real Estate Broker at Madison & Co. who loves Skiing our Rocky Mountains and all of the delicious food Denver has to offer.

“My girlfriend Alex Collins (also a new RMA member) mentioned RMA to me and that we should check it out. Being new to Denver, I felt it was a great way to meet like-minded women who are passionate about helping the community around them!” -Traci Swett, a RN at Lutheran Medical Center on the Labor and Delivery Unit, an avid traveler who moved to Denver on a whim and hopes to never leave.

We have always taken pride in the caliber of woman associated with RMA and this year was no different. On our 10-year anniversary as a Foundation serving the Denver Metro we had our largest group ever and it’s full of different cultures and backgrounds. From Dietitians to Accountants, from Publishers to Entrepreneurs, from all-state lacrosse players to breast cancer survivors, we couldn’t be prouder to welcome them all to our family. It’s so exciting getting to know each of these ladies for their unique talents and contributions to the world.

We will open our enrollment again in January of 2019, if you think you’d like to join us you can find more information at: Is RMA for you?

With such a great group of women we set our sights on a high goal this year that we are so very excited to meet and exceed. We voted, at our most recent meeting, on a $125,000 goal to contribute to our incredible grantees. Through our various events and word of mouth last year we were able to contribute $87,500 to 17 different grantees. Nothing is more rewarding than handing those checks to the many individuals that have dedicated their lives to public service.

This year we have so much to look forward to. We are adding a new event to our summer calendars and can’t wait to share that with the public soon! We all look forward to our Back to School shopping event held in August. Our annual Gala will be bigger and better than ever before in hopes of gaining more support and being able to give even more back to the community that we all love so much. Those are just a few of the big events we plan on every year. It will be a full year and we are more than ready. We’d love to see you there, stay tuned for all this year will have in store.

For more information about RMA and our 2018 Sponsorship Opportunities or to donate, please visit our website:

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